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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Clapper

So this is a funny little story. Yesterday, early evening outside this mid rise apartment building there was an ambulance parked with it's lights flashing. It kinda looked like a scary building, so I decided to walk that route home. A middle aged woman and a quite older man were outside. He was sitting, however she couldn't stand still; her eyes were darting she was hopping up and down, clearly wacked out.
Before long, the paramedics wheel out another middle aged women. Sobbing she says to the hopped out one, "Pray for meeeee..." to which the hopped out woman responds, "Of course!" and skips around a bit.
Still wailing, they cart her into the ambulance. The hopped out woman says to her elderly boyfriend, "She probably fell - and hurt her bum again!"

1 comment:

Heather said...

That is funny! you are soo funny that you would take THAT route home! haha. you seem to have QUITE interesting people around!hahaha.